S4 Ep. 8 | The Promise of Restoration


S4 Ep. 8 | The Promise of Restoration

With the Caitlin Morneau of the Catholic Mobilizing Network


Education, Advocacy, Prayer.

Today's episode marks a final chapter in this series specifically touching on Believers in Christ Jesus and how their faith influences the way they show up in this work. In closing, I am joined by ⁠Caitlin Morneua⁠, the Director of Restorative Justice for the ⁠Catholic Mobilizing Network⁠. The Catholic Mobilizing Network is a nationwide organization with two very distinct calls - a call to end the usage of the death penalty and a call to promote a restorative justice system. In today's discussion we talk about Caitlin's work over at CMN as well as the organization's goals more broadly. Today’s guest, Caitlin is trained in peacemaking circles and restorative community conferencing. She holds an MA in Conflict Transformation from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University and is a current student of theology at Catholic Theological Union.

As always, I encourage you to not just be listeners of the show but I hope you feel called to act. If you would like to support the work of Catholic Mobilizing Network you can learn how to do so by visiting their website and clicking on the "⁠Take Action⁠" tab.

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and compassionate to one another, just as in Christ God forgave you.




S4 Ep. 9 | Love Thy Neighbor : A Pre-Release Book Talk with Matt Martens J.D.


S4 Ep. 7 | Matthew 25:36 "I Was In Prison And You Came To Visit Me"